Just pulled in from the trip to Little Rock. I admit that Beth and I had a blast. Sometimes it is just fun to get away with a girlfriend to de-stress even if it does involve work. But.. with that said, LONG TRIP DOWN… stayed up late talking.. up early ( because I am old and have an inner rooster ) sitting in a meeting, and then a LONG TRIP BACK – I AM SO TIRED!
Today Danielle introduced animals that live in the woods to the kids. They also traced and cut out their own hands on brown paper for an activity that we will do tomorrow.
Here are a couple pictures she sent to me today!
This is some material I had that she spread over the table so the kids could pretend they were ” in the woods.”
What a cute little raccoon !!
Don’t forget tomorrow afternoon at 5:30 to meet at the Dogwood Trail for a walk in the woods looking for animals !