Today was a really weird day. The kids were playing and as I walked around the room and started to take our small group materials out for the day I realized that the things they were doing was so much more important that what I had planned. Let me show you.
This is Mia and Andrea playing house. This is a new friendship for them. ( Please excuse the plumbers shot.. but I really needed the picture…) Allowing kids time to play uninhibited and without adult interaction leads to confidence in relationships. If I am not directing each move they make they learn more about each other, about their homes and how to get along. This new friendship made my heart smile for a lot of reasons.
Some might think that a calculator doesnt belong in a preschool setting. I THINK IT IS PERFECT. Look what I saw today. I walked in a room and saw Kingston tapping away. Your are right, the numbers displayed don’t mean a thing to him right now, but he is seeing numbers…. he is seeing numbers… he is seeing numbers. Later when I introduce a number to him his mind will revisit the day , and others , he punched away on the little blue thing .
Kyler drew this on the marker board. He also found a little magnetic lead. He put it on his drawn tree and then moved it to the bottom. ” The leaves are falling off the tree because it is fall.” Yes, the are.
Orrin was pretending he was asleep and had a bad dream. If you could have heard the concern in his friends voice as she talked to him about it. Scarlett evidently has heard the words before or just has had a lot of loving caregiving ( which I am sure is the case ) . I love to hear my little friends loving on each other – even in pretend.
Malachy was so excited. Some see my house Ms Debbie. I went to look and I was impressed. I replied ” Wow, you have a car in there..” He exclaimed “No, I have TWO cars in there.” I could quote you all the benchmarks that were covered with this one interaction and in this picture and you would be amazed. No, we don’t need flashcards or worksheets 🙂
I am convinced that Emeri will grow up to be a hairdresser. If you get still near her that little girl is fixing your hair. I laughed as I watched. Emeri grabbed a magnifying glass from the science shelf and peered into Danielle’s hair. Then she grabbed a spoon and another tool and whacked Danielle’s head. Danielle of couse said .. OWWW! I asked Emeri did she see something in Dani’s hair and she smiled and said yes. SO funny. Im not sure Danielle thought it was funny, but I sure did .
Dillion and Kimber worked on this. I asked “What did you make?”
It is a birthday cake.
How old is the person ?
Duh….. do you see it ?
Random conversations around the Christmas tree and spontaneous singing … good times.
I took my Christmas decorations out this weekend and the kids tree was in it. I haven’t unpacked the ornaments they play with yet.. but who needs them ? The kids decorated this tree with things they found in the room. What a sweet and funny little tree. As Danielle and I decorated our tree yesterday she said ” Mom , this tree encompasses what is going on inside your head… sparkles, bling and chaos..” Well, I am happy with that… it could be worse. As I look at this tree I can’t help but see that it probably encompasses what goes on in our kids heads too – all the things they love. Malia even brought her famous wedding veil in to use as a tree topper.
Have I told you lately that I LOVE MY JOB.
Makes my heart smile- -all of it! <3
Thanks Wendy.