I feel like a whine bag today. My eyes are still red, itchy and swollen and then I burned my fingers on the hot glue gun. OUCH! SOOOO glad I am not a person familiar with cursing or I would have surely said a few . It STILL burns. A friend said to try soaking it in milk. That feels great but still burns when I take it out. ooowwweeeee…. The kids have been concerned all day. Sweet kids.
Today in small groups we read a book about the changes that come in Springs and I took some sprigs of Forsythia out of the yard and we painted them.
Why buy toys when a tarp will do just fine .
Randy worked on the tunnel a little. Wal-mart only had two strands of vine so he did what he could. An improvement I think.
He has also been working over time on the playhouse. Doesnt it look homey ?
I felt a little crafty over the weekend and made new signs for the outside toys.
There are signs of Spring popping up everywhere. Sometimes we forget that children deserve beauty too.
Randy worked on this side walk all weekend . When he is finished there will be a nice place yo plant more flowers by the entry door.
Yes , that is Randy in the tree hanging a star. He thought the kids would like it.