Today the kids enjoyed the IPAD more. It is interesting to watch them try to navigate their way through all the programs and how they instinctively know what to do. There we also other activities on the table to keep them busy . […]
Today the kids enjoyed the IPAD more. It is interesting to watch them try to navigate their way through all the programs and how they instinctively know what to do. There we also other activities on the table to keep them busy . […]
We finished the snowmen that were started yesterday. I texted a picture of them to Beth with an explanation that said ” Reminder – I […]
It is hard to believe that 2012 has arrived and that we are half way through our year. Wow.. this year has flown by. I know I am going to age myself now but let me tell you as you get older they ALL fly by. Today we started a new unit – Winter . […]
I trust you all are having a great Christmas Vacation. We are enjoying our time off by resting and cleaning ! YIPPIE!! Right ? I have had a lot of time for refection on my life and my business in general. I don’t think it is a surprise to anyone that I LOVE my job […]
We have had a great day today. The train station was set up when the kids arrived all in their PJ’s. All around you could hear ” Look at MY Pj’s ! ” or ” Our PJ’s match !” I love that when Dillion came in his dad said ” You were right, […]
Today we mixed, baked and decorated cupcakes for Jesus. The kids loved the whole process . […]
Today we made more ornaments and Christmas memories. We started with a traditional snowman ornament that I make with the kids every year. It is more teacher process than kids – but it is their handprint that when they are 27 you will look at and smile remembering those tiny fingers. […]
Today we slowed down our gears a little to talk about ” who’s birthday is it anyway ? ” Yesterday McKayla’s grandmother brought me in […]
Wasn’t the weather amazing today? The girls were infatuated with looking like mommies today. William […]