Today the kids played ” build a pilgrim” with Ms Dallas. It was a math game . They also watched a little two minute segment of a video about how the pilgrims got to American and why . […]
Today the kids played ” build a pilgrim” with Ms Dallas. It was a math game . They also watched a little two minute segment of a video about how the pilgrims got to American and why . […]
This morning we made pumpkin pie playdoh. Cooking with kids not only just builds awesome memories but it also teaches kids math skills like counting and measuring. Literacy skills like knowing that print has meaning as Ms Dallas reads the recipe. Other things that we learn also are the internet is a powerful tool and […]
This morning at 7:30 was my first parent conference. I love this time of year when I can share what I have learned about my children so far and where I would like to see us go by the end of the year. Setting goals is important to all of us whether is be personal […]
Since becoming a part of the Arkansas Better Chance System at times I have felt sad. I look back at old pictures of our play groups and think wow.. those were the days. The kids no longer play in our ” living space” anymore. There arent cozy couches to crawl up on when we are […]
Today we finally had the time to fill our shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. We had plenty of ” stuff” . Thanks for all of those that sent toys for the boxes and thanks to Alina’s dad for hanging out and helping stuff them ! Teaching children it is better to give than receive is […]
Non stop craziness isnt always a bad thing . Today it wasnt… It was just very hectic. It was hectic and we didnt even get to everything I had planned for the day. I have grown over the years to STRONGLY DISLIKE teacher directed art. Sometimes it is a necessary evil. For instance , on […]
Today we heard the story of ” Winky The Witch” It is a cute story about a little witch who could not be scary for the life of her. She had a tiny voice and was nice. The kids enjoyed hearing the different voices of the mean witches, the jackolantern and Winky. The kids are […]
The day after Halloween in a preschool is exactly what you would expect it to be … a little CRAZY. The good news is we all survived . Small groups today was reading a story about monsters and watching a DVD of the story book ” Where the Wild Things Are.” It wasnt a video […]