>One of the songs we are singing this week.
>Today has been an beautiful day . The weather is amazing. I love days that surprise us and give the kids more time to enjoy the outdoors before winter arrives.You see pictures here of two boys playing with the leap frog letters and numbers. You can also see Jaxson practicing being a daddy one day~ […]
>Mrs. Beth took these pictures and said she planned to blog when she got home. I think the day might have been a little too busy for her. 🙂 I will fill in the blanks with the activities that I had planned. Maybe later she will come in with more information. For our cooking activity […]
>Today we had another mommy visitor. The kids loved having Katie’s mom come play. I am always happy to have moms plan to play, it gives them a good idea of how we learn! One of the activities available today was using stickers to make a fall tree. Not everyone decided to make one but […]
>Today was another blessed day that we got to go outside. I even raised the windows a little so that any germs that were hiding in here HOPEFULLY flew out the window into the sunshine that we haven’t seen for a few days. The pictures you see in the bathroom are of Randy and I […]
>Every day that I think I can’t enjoy my job more than I already do , I get reminded. This is the best bunch of kids we have ever had. I mean, all our kids have been special and had great things to offer the group but this one is so different . There is […]
>Count downs to exciting holidays are a great way to get kids involved in simple math activities. Show them the calendar and point to each day as you count. Pumpkin Jack is one of the kids favorite books this week. They want me to read it over and over. It is about a little boy […]
>Not a lot to blog about today. It is much colder outside. Please make sure your child dresses appropriately. We will go outside unless there is something falling from the sky. 🙂 Monday is dad pumpkin carving. Who is coming? I need to know how many pumpkins to buy ! Everyone is here today. No […]
>Rosanna’s mother picked her up yesterday and heard her talking to Randy and was quite surprised at her English. Rosanna is conversational all day now and I take it for granted that she came in August not speaking english at all. I had taken this video and never posted it to the blog . I […]