Field Trip Rained Out

> These tiny halloween tubs are great for sorting and counting . Sometimes, they are used to other things too! This is our shape scarecrow from yesterday. These are pictures […]

F – fall and fireman

>Today and yesterday are what I remember fall feeling like when I was a little girl. Yes.. I can remember back that far. 🙂 Some of the new experiences I […]

Late Blog

>Please forgive me for being so late – I have a few too many irons in the fire this week. The highlight of our day was the beautiful outside play […]

Falling …..

> The weather is changing outside. The leaves are starting to show color and fall from the trees. Katie was all excited this morning . She told her mom she […]

A mommy visitor today!

>Today we had a normal day. Two of the different activities I set out today was the moon sand ( one of the favorites ) and orange finger paint. We […]

How Do Pumpkins Grow?

>Today has been a fun day. We got back into our routine and EVEN WENT OUTSIDE! YAY! We did our weekly reader today. Not all of the Weekly Readers are […]

What Falls in the Fall?

>Today, a little more stress free, we started our fall unit. The carpet is laid and nothing.. nothing… is put back in place but hey.. new carpet has to be […]

Carpet today

>I will just say…. today we are having carpet laid in the whole front of the house and one playroom. The next time I think this is a good idea….. […]

Teddy Bear Picnic

> Today to end our ” Brown Bear Brown Bear” unit we had a teddy bear picnic. It was a lot of fun. In reality all we did was take […]

Rain Rain….

>Another rainy day inside . As usual , I like those though. It gives me time to watch the children play and listen to their conversations. Today some things I […]