Voice Levels

We have friends with really BIG voices. There are a a lot of reasons that children have loud voices. But they absolutely can learn to regulate them. The way that […]

Classroom Rules

What are some “rules” you have at home? Today we talked about rules. When I gave the example of a stop light everyone seemed to understand Every group needs rules […]

Not a Lot. Just a Dot

Introducing materials is important. Sometimes we take for granted that children should know how use materials and then get frustrated when they aren’t used properly. Some of the children have […]

Learning Stories

Today our Friday leaning stories go home. Learning stories is a note written from me to your child documenting something I noticed about the week or a learning goal teacher. […]

Not a Box

Have you ever read the story “Not a Box?” https://youtu.be/PMCKXaFsmCA Sometimes the best toys are the unintended ones Today this box Was a club “ no girls allowed m.” This […]

Read Me a Story – AGAIN

Today three of our little girls were still struggling. We have the bench inside the room that we referred to as our “calm down area.” I changed it up a […]


Littles flourish with solid routines. They like knowing what they can expect. They usually only like surprises when it comes in the form of a box with a bow or […]

First Day Of 2023-2024

Today was fairly routine. We have six returning children who know ALL THE THINGS so that was helpful. I of course did the rookie moves like making family time last […]

More Natural Learning

The environment is my third teacher. If I set my environment up and maintain it learning happens. Today the boys were looking for worms and tipping over the hop scotch […]

12 School Days Left

There are 12 school days left in this year. Where did the time go? I am torn this time of year. Even with my proud boasting of developmentally appropriate practice […]