Title: A Rainy Adventure and Eclipse Preparations! The children started off the day by recalling the facts we learned from our book discussion yesterday. It was amazing to see their […]
Title: A Rainy Adventure and Eclipse Preparations! The children started off the day by recalling the facts we learned from our book discussion yesterday. It was amazing to see their […]
Allowing children to spend more time outside fosters creativity and imagination, making the eclipse even more exciting. Today I introduced a new book :Reading a book about the eclipse helps […]
What a wonderful day it has been at our preschool! As the children arrived, their faces lit up with happiness, and I couldn’t help but feel an immense joy seeing […]
We started off today with the Littles cooking their own breakfast. We’ve done this once before this year, but it only seemed natural to make rainbow toast for breakfast this […]
Hey there, wonderful readers! Today, I want to share with you an incredible adventure that unfolded on a sunny day filled with laughter, Irish music, and a mischievous leprechaun. Buckle […]
In today’s fast-paced world, where deadlines and responsibilities often consume our lives, it’s essential to find moments of joy and relaxation. Sometimes, letting go of strict routines and embracing a […]
Today, we had a wonderful time working on teacher-directed drawings. Teacher-directed drawings offer valuable support for children’s overall development in various ways. One of the key skills that children develop […]
Today was an exciting day filled with creativity, celebration, and a step towards developing healthy eating habits. As we worked on our monthly self-portrait session, I couldn’t help but be […]