Today we introduced our Valentines unit by talking about the letter V. Normally it isnt a letter that is used often but since we have Vivian and Valeri in our […]
Today we introduced our Valentines unit by talking about the letter V. Normally it isnt a letter that is used often but since we have Vivian and Valeri in our […]
We were so happy to be back in school today. Since we missed almost the whole week we ditched our original lesson plans and did another food experience day. Today […]
Today our circle time book was about zebras so we spent our day looking for patterns. In small groups Ms Dallas played a patterning game. The kids have been […]
Today was all about sweet potatoes. We washed , we measured, we weighed […]
As I watched the kids play outside around noon today I had a blog rolling through my head. There are toys and loose parts all over our play ground. Yesterday […]
We spent a lot of time today reading and playing games that involved positional words like beyond, behind and on top of. First we read a book called ” Elephants […]
Today we started our jungle unit. We sorted cards that started with the letter L like lion and lollipop. We listened for the L sound and how it felt in […]
Today I was a rebel and we sorted gummy bears. Yes, they have sugar and artificial food dyes. YIKES. But the kids loved it and we were able to review […]
Today was the day of another one of Dallas’ observations for her CDA that she is getting. It went well ! See, this lady? She walks everywhere the Dallas walks, […]