Mod Podge Eggs

>Today we worked on our fine motor  by tearing  crepe paper and using ” water glue” to adhere them to cardboard eggs.  They turned out quite nice.    We went […]

Happy Birthday to ME

>I enjoyed my day off today!  🙂 

The Day the Squirrel Went Potty

>Last night at 7 pm Randy came in from the store and said “Debbie, come here, look!”  As I walked into the kitchen, I saw it.  The squirrels little tail […]

The Things I Hear and See

> Ms. Debbie, remember that bunny you gave me when I saw a little child?  ( She is 5 now! ) My mommy has a bag in her belly with […]


>Wow, what a busy week.  It seems like a month since our QA inspection when it was only 3 days ago.   Today has been fairly uneventful.  We are starting […]

Waiting for the Rain

>Today has been a relaxing day.   Four of our friends were out for unrelated reasons and Geneviette was able to spend the day with us.    We decided to […]

Wet World Wednesday!

>Today we read the book Wet World  and it just happened to be on Wednesday – lots of W sounds going on ! After reading the book we drew a […]

QA Visit

> Today was THE day.    We have been waiting for 2.5 months for our annual quality inspection. We use a scale somewhat like ECCRS called FCCRS ( family child […]

Welcome Back

> This weekend I went thrift shopping.  Being at the Riverfield Dayschool made me want to do SOMETHING ! I can’t be where they are yet, but I can take […]

Am I good enough to have a Reggio inspired classroom?

>After getting home and unpacking from my trip to Riverfield Country Dayschool in Tulsa, I looked around my space. The space my kiddos have for learning is full of whimsy […]