Counting Doesn’t Add Up to Math

Sometimes we tend to think to simplistically about mathematics and young children. You hear someone say ” my daughter knows all her numbers. She can count to 20. ” While […]

Parent conferences

The purpose of parent conferences at Bright Beginnings is mainly just continued conversation that we normally have anyway to discuss goals and expectations for the children. Usually I have data […]

You can learn so much about children just by listening to the conversations. Today I spent some time sitting at the table with the kids playing Play-Doh , They all […]

Material Rotation

One of the indicators of a high quality classroom is when the materials change to peak interest. Have you ever taken a toy and just moved it to a different […]


We try to cook at least once a week. We decided that today would be a good day to start that. The children joined me in the kitchen two or […]

Water water …

Between the storm last night and the rain barrel we had pouring going on everywhere today. The more children are allowed to fill and dump outside the more successful they […]

Monday Monday. I think sometimes Monday gets a bad rap. We really didn’t have a bad day at all. We had a momma drop in to play I’ve really come […]

Slave Labor

As you know I am the President of the Arkansas Early Childhood Association . In October we have a large conference with educators presenting workshops. Your kiddos are helping me […]

A Little Water

A little water never hurt anyone. We played inside for a while this morning. We had a visitor that enjoyed seeing how we learn. She saw the tools we use […]

You Guys

I wish I could explain to you the amazingness of this group this year. They are busy and engaged but calm and helpful. In the past we have had cliques […]