Today we delved a little deeper into collage work. Can we collage many different materials with a purpose in mind ? Today we read ” Just like me.’ After reading the book I challenged the kids to use the materials on the table to create a person .
During real activities like this is when I can spend one on one time watching each child to determine if they need help holding scissors the proper way.
I reminded Malia three times that her thumb goes on top and the scissors point away from her body. A few minutes later she said ” Look Ms Debbie. I did it! ”
There is still free art going on as well. Nathan drew this front end loader and said it was for sale. See the 4 ? He asked me several times did I want to buy it . I asked him what I would use it for. He said ” to move boxes.” I replied but I have no money. He made me some. If life were that easy, huh ?