Today we started a farm unit. On our calendar I had scheduled to continue another week of Valentines since we only got in one week but I could see the kids growing weary of the activities and decided it was time to move along.
Today our main questions were : What is the difference between a city and the country ? What would you find in the city ? What would you find in the country ? We have some friends that live in the city ( the houses are closer together ) and some that live in the country ( there are fewer houses.).
We enjoyed the new materials that always appear out of our boxes with each new unit.
Mia’s new favorite activity is puzzles.
Cant you just hear Kat saying Mooooooo….
This is a matching game made from milk lids. ( See.. I have legit reasons to be a hoarder!)
Finger puppets !
We made finger puppets to use with the song ” Old MacDonald Had a Farm. ”
This is the time of year I get antsy for my kiddos going into kindergarten. You know , the ones that have no desire what so ever to write their name where anyone but me can read it or to color a picture IN THE LINES. Argh.. Did I just say that ? We have used what … maybe 3 or 4 coloring sheets all year. Usually we get blank sheets of paper to be creative on. Today I pulled out a farm. Many of the kids yelled ” YAY! A coloring sheet! ” After a while I walked over to some of the boys and said ” I love all the colors you are using… could you try to color just the barn ( that is a nice way to say – instead of scribbling all over your paper..) The explained that they liked it that way and that ” we should do it the way we like it , right..?” There are times a teachers words get spewed back to her at the most unlikely ( or likely ) times. Yes, you are right. As one of the boys left the table he said ” Ms. Debbie, it’s beautiful , isn’t it ?” Yes, it is. 🙂 And I meant it. What kills me is that when they leave me they will move on to people that don’t appreciate their creativity and the beautiful things they create. 🙁
On the top of the cubbies are two take home bags with some activities in them , If you would ike to take one, please do. Just take care of it and return in within the next two days. If it goes well, i might bring out some more of my literacy bags. Please let me know if you take one.
And last but not least – if you aren’t on Facebook or you didnt see our video from our mother daughter tea, here it is. It was a special relaxed time and I loved it.
Mommy and Me Tea 2012 from Debbie Mays on Vimeo.